Virtual Protest #TheWorldAgainstBolsonaro #ForaBolsonaro – 8 May – Find out how to participate!
Comrades, Brazil is going through a very delicate moment.
Bolsonaro government since the beginning of the pandemic has prioritized the profit of large companies at the expense of people’s lives. This means that Brazil has great chances of becoming the next epicenter of the coronavirus in the world.
We are also seeing the extreme right increase the authoritarian and anti-democratic escalation. Recently Bolsonaro participated in a manifestation calling for the return of the dictatorship and the closure of Congress and the Supreme Court. In addition, aligned with sectors of the neoliberal right, the government further strengthens the economic agenda to attack fundamental rights to the life of the working class, such as public health, education and work.
Because of this scenario, we need international solidarity more than ever. For this, we are convoking for a virtual manifestation against Bolsonaro, unified among all democratic youth movements in Brazil, on the next 8th (Friday). However, we want this to be an act not only for Brazil, but for the all world. Bolsonaro is a threat to everyone. To make it successful we ask that each organization follow the instructions below:
– Share the card convoking the manifestation on your networks, instructions on how people should participate in it and the event calling for the FMJD Latin America act. We are sending the card, the event link and the instructions text attached to this message;
– Share on your networks and websites the unified manifest that calls for this manifestation;
– On the 8th, call your activists and followers to participate in the activities of the virtual act following the instructions we sent in the attachment;
– Send videos of the general secretaries of youths in solidarity with the act to the FMJD group (following the instructions we have sent);
Help us build the biggest manifestation against Bolsonaro in Brazil and in the world.
#NoMoreBolsonaro #WorldAgainsBolsonaro
Virtual Protest #TheWorldAgainstBolsonaro #ForaBolsonaro – 8 May – Find out how to participate!
Bolsonaro has passed all limits for a long time, he despises the lives of our people, attacks our rights, education and democracy. His government is a threat not only to Brazil, but also to Latin America and the world. For that, on May 8 we are convoking people from all over the world to demonstrate their indignation and to protest about what is happening in Brazil and about Bolsonaro’s abuses against the brazilians #ForaBolsonaro!
-Take a photo with a poster written #ForaBolsonaro and #TheWorldAgainstBolsonaro and your location (For example: “I am from New Yotk – EUA and I stood for #NoMoreBolsonaro #TheWorldAgainstBolsonaro”);
-Record 30 second-video saying why you stand for #ForaBolsonaro;
-During all day share publications on your networks (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) tagging #ForaBolsonaro;
-Use the website https://manif.app/ to mark the city where you are on the map and write #ForaBolsonaro
10h – Use the hashtag #Fora Bolsonaro on twitter
14h-16h – Virtual debates by the networks of Organizations and Social Movements;
19h – Debates for #ForaBolsonaro (on the entities’ facebook)
8 pm – Protest in the the windows: Mourning for Brazil, Fora Bolsonaro (put a black cloth to the windows in honor of the victims of Covid) and bang pots and pans